Our Team

Our Team

Ally Million - TA

Ally Million


Ally Million

Ally has been teaching in a Christian school setting since 2021, exercising her creativity to teach them music, help design and decorate classrooms, and work alongside children with varying behaviors and needs. She is pursuing her education in Early Childhood Education and is dedicated to furthering her knowledge on how children learn and develop. She is passionate about working with children, and her deepest desire is to be an example that points them to Christ. Having gotten saved in kindergarten, she realizes how much children can learn and comprehend even at such a young age. 

Outside of teaching, Ally loves to ride horses, antique, write, sing and play piano, spend time with family, and paint for her small business. She spends a lot of her time traveling for church singing with her family. Above all, her desire is to be the kind of Godly influence in younger lives that made such a difference in her own childhood.

1 Corinthians 10:31 “…do all to the glory of God.”


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